Friday 23 May 2014

The Inside Story

Aren’t we so lucky to have Jonathan’s Mum Tracy and sister Charlotte keep us informed about Jonathan’s activities?

The above photograph was posted on Twitter yesterday accompanied by the following tweet:

Sharing a photo with you all, so different from previous recordings and very exciting! :D

I’m assuming Tracy took the photograph because she tweeted this later:

Just updating you whilst Jonathan is preparing for the next recording session- some great sounds coming from the rehearsal room! :D Tracy.

As Fantoines we’re very privileged to be given such consideration by Jonathan and his family.  We all know how fortunate we are, don’t we?  


Unknown said...

We are so blessed to be included as much as the Antoines do... Loving your blog! Keep it up xx

subrosa said...

Marvellous isn’t it Debby? We’re so lucky, Thanks for the lovely words. xx